Florian Kempers feat. Rozalla - Everybody’s Free 2016

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Florian Kempers is an up and coming artist, who’s new collaboration with the legendary 90’s house diva "Rozalla" is setting him off to a terrific start for his debut single.
"Everybody’s Free 2016" is a fresh and uplifting take on the 1992 house classic "Everybody’s Free (to feel good)", cleverly combining elements from the ever-popular tropical and deep house genres, while maintaining a strong pop appeal.
Judging by the euphoric reactions and support his production has been receiving so far, Florian Kempers is excited to start off his run on the radio and dancefloors worldwide.
After all, everybody’s free - to feel good!

Florian Kempers è un artista emergente e la sua nuova collaborazione con la leggendaria "90's house diva" Rozalla lo sta proiettando verso un inizio formidabile con il suo singolo di debutto.
"Everybody’s Free 2016" è una fresca versione del classico della musica house del 1992, "Everybody’s Free (to feel good)", che combina sapientemente elementi tropical e deep, pur mantenendo un forte appeal pop.
A giudicare dalle reazioni euforiche e il supporto che la sua produzione ha ricevuto finora, Florian Kempers è pronto ad iniziare la sua corsa verso le playlist radio e le dancefloor di tutto il mondo.
Dopo tutto, "Everybody’s Free (to feel good)"!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/floriankempe...
Souncloud: https://soundcloud.com/floriankempers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/floriankempers

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