Achtabahn feat. Beady - Like A New Love

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A few days ago, user CtlynJnrIsStnnngNBrve asked what The Bearded Man’s lifelong dream was. What a tough question! We tracked him down, but we’re not sure you’ll like the answer. It seems The Bearded Man has been reading a lot of books recommended by legendary financial billionaire Warren Buffet. Rather than respond with something deep, poetic, or worldly as we’ve come to expect from The Bearded Man, our hero responded to this question by saying that his lifelong dream was to make the greatest use of compound interest he could, thereby maintaining his commitment to a sound and sensible investment policy consisting of education, hard work, and attention to detail. Not only that, he reaffirmed his support for the firm foundation theory, adding that picking winners in the stock market based on reasoning and sound judgment was his lifelong desire. You see, we found this answer somewhat perplexing. We’ve been studying the life of The Bearded Man for a long time now, and honestly, there’s nothing in his past that indicates that this was a dream of his before even a few days ago. So please don’t take this answer to heart, he’s obviously just caught up in another one of his phases. I guess, if there’s one thing to be said for The Bearded Man, it’s that he treats all his new adventures like a new love, diving into them as wholeheartedly as if he’d loved them his whole life.

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