My name is Alyssa Colo'n, I'm 16 years as of Sept 26th 2017. I love school and spend my days in my home studio either writing new music or singing. I have been doing music since I'm 6 years old and since I can remember have always wanted to make music to connect with the world. I'm a hard worker and have no quit in me, my parents have always supported my music and since I have been small have always helped me understand that nothing will come easy, if you want more do more. You can expect that I will continue growing my music and that I will continue to earn your interest and support with every song and project that I do, sincerely.
Official Website: www.alyssacolon.com
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/realalyssacolon
Instagram: www.instagram.com/realalyssacolon
Twitter: www.twitter.com/realalyssacolon