http://bit.ly/Otilia_iTunes \\// http://bit.ly/Otilia_Spotify
Bilionera song is the most successful world wide hit of Otilia. After Bilionera she released other like Diamante, Aventura, Prisionera
-Subscribe channel: http://bit.ly/2k2J0qZ
-CONCERTE/BOOKING: +40(741)067.203, contact@JHaps.com // (Manager - Ionut Bejinariu)
Otilia feat Deejay Fly - I don't know (Official Video)
Licensing & Booking: contact@jhaps.com ( Ionut Bejinariu )
Written by Păcurar Diana Elena, Mînicuță Andreea-Loredana
Produced by Alexandru Pal
Mixing & Mastering: Alexandru Truță
Artwork: Catalin Cristea @Massy
Director/DoP/Edit/Image: Richard Stan
Richard Stan Online:
Styling: Adina Popa
MakeUP: Virginia
Hair: Dejavoux salon New York
JHaps Records & Voices Media 2018. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Orice upload neautorizat va atrage stergerea canalului de youtube.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
From mistake some people from different countries can write on YT search like otila otilla
otalia ottilia otılıa otelia
Correctly written is "Otilia"
Thank you!