Deep Transit - The Groove of Life (Remixed 2)

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About Deep Transit

Rob Mitchell (Stage name) Deep Transit is a composer/producer and singer, songwriter. DC. VA, and MD. 

Deep Transit will be releasing a brand new "LP". "Everything a rhythm" release sometime 2021. The artist has release 3 singles that will be featured in the upcoming LP. Rob will be releasing another Single soon. Deep Transit has 10 # 1 hits through outlets like Radio Airplay. and other press releases. music Rob is a solo artist that has been recording dance music EDM/Hip hop/Electronic on a part-time basics for years. 

His latest "LP" is a mix of Hip Hop/Rap/and electronic. There are a couple of Instrumental tracks on the upcoming "LP" such as the #1 hit "Just Breathe" Deep Transit just release "Just looking at the sunset November 2020. Deep Transit- Is inspired by Chicago deep house music/Tech house of the '90s . As well as Hip hop/Rap. and R&B. Rob is also inspired by artist like Larry Heard and Herbie Hancock.

"The Groove of Life" From the LP "A brilliant skyline across major cities".

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